PHOTO: CATHRIN EISENSTEINIn her short career as a "Zen-Ziege" (zen goat) Heidi has gained immense popularity not only among kids. Her naughty, nosy character wins you over. She loves to climb up people in search for food. Infact: in search of food Heidi has been caught in strange and rather hilarious situations.
PHOTO: CATHRIN EISENSTEINShe has been the focus of media attention and will also be starring in a short movie about stairways. Here you see her pictured in the BILD Zeitung:

Heidi is so popular and called after that we tend to think all the goats believe they are named "Heidi". Not that they would listen anyway.
PHOTO: CATHRIN EISENSTEINLess popular but well liked is Mordechai. His cuteness factor is high. More down to earth than Heidi, Mordechai usually waits patiently for his turn. You often find him sitting on the radiator catching sunlight. One of his obsessions are cats. He dislikes them. Everytime he sees a cat he blows his nose like a trumpet. Then he jumps away and hides.
PHOTO: CATHRIN EISENSTEINIngmar is named after the late director Ingmar Bergman. Coincidentally he has a torn soul and split character. Shy with humans Ingmar nonetheless bosses his colleagues around to make sure he gets his food. Never afraid of a good fight he and Mordechai are wrestling partners. Poor Mordechai never wins.

The three of them share a 30 m² basement apartment with an attached garden. One side of the apartment is filled with wooden pieces and an armchair, where visitors get to go into a swing mood and relax. The palettes are where they sleep at night and rest at day. They have an area in the back filled with straw that they like to use for sanitary purposes.

The other half of the apartment has been decorated with a huge poster showing a Swiss alpine landscape. We do not know whether that makes them feel more at home but occasionally Mordechai likes to chew on the wallpaper.

PHOTO: MARY IVY MARTINOnly two weeks after taking territory in the garden there were no bushes left. Here Heidi and Ingmar are sneaking out noses waiting for someone to bring them fresh branches.

If they are not sneaking their noses out in the garden you will find them doing the very same thing up at the front door...
PHOTO: MARY IVY MARTIN... but truly, we are trying to keep the spoiling within limits.