We then parked the car Thursday night at Violenstraße, a side road to the big traffic point Domsheide. Our visitor from Denmark, Anders, blocked another parking spot with his graffiti painted (Hippie) Citroen.
Next day we would get up early to feed the parking meter and build the park. The design followed the materials we had. The floor was covered with mulch and grass. Plants and vegetables made good decorations. We brought a parasol in case it would rain and a fancy lawn mower to use as the required vehicle.
Local TV station Buten & Binnen later decided to use this action for their daily weather forecast.
Shunka was brave enough to say the prewritten text into the camera. She and Daniel were also interviewed by the crew of the Public Channel (Offener Kanal).
The event drew positive attention from pedestrians and bike folks. There were no complaints from people searching a parking spot. And there was no interferences from the police. Even the meter maids ignored us intentionally. All in all a friendly, peaceful event.
In the end we gave away plants to people walking by. We cleaned up the space and took home some vegetables. The birdhouse though remains to this very day on top of the traffic light.